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Community and Culture

Greater Things (Paperback)


What if we could actually help build a better culture? ...

Solid Souls (Paperback)


Most people are waiting to live their best life. ...

Think Like a 5 Year Old


Think Like a 5 Year Old explores a documented phenomenon in which people almost universally exhibit genius-level creativity as young children but lose...

Greater Things (Hardback)


What if we could actually help build a better culture? ...

Both/And (Paperback)


In a world of rapid cultural and technological change, how do we faithfully worship and share the good news of Jesus Christ? ...

Solid Souls (Donation)


Donate to help promote Arthur Jones' vision of a flourishing life. 100% of your donation is going to be used to share Arthur's vision with those who...

Greater Things (Donation)


Donate to help promote Len Wilson's compelling new vision of Christian innovation. 100% of your donation is going to be used to share Len's work with...

Both/And (Donation)


Donate to help promote Jason Moore's detailed and precise method for creating hybrid worship. 100% of your donation is going to be used to share...

Jesus Unchained (Paperback)


Provocative and inspiring, Jesus Unchained challenges the ways we have twisted Jesus to fit our agendas. Who he really is can set us free.

Jesus Unchained (Hardback)


Provocative and inspiring, Jesus Unchained challenges the ways we have twisted Jesus to fit our agendas. Who he really is can set us free.

Painting with Ashes Wounded Healers Guide


Every person or organization carries some wound, challenge, or disability. This companion guide to Painting with Ashes is meant to help individuals,...

Heirs of Eden (Hardback)


Heirs of Eden is a book about your dreams, your work, and your creative potential that will wake you up to what lights you up inside and show you why...

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