njoy new ideas from Invite Press authors and content contributors. We post new articles every week on a variety of topics related to life in the New Creation. Contact us if you have any questions, have an article to share, want to learn more about a subject, or just want to share a thought!

The Secret Power of Kindness

The Secret Power of Kindness

by Greg Atkinson
The secret power of kindness is the self-awareness to know that you have the power to make or break someone else’s day, and eventually... read more
How to Overcome the Lie of Lowered Expectations | Len's Lightbulbs

How to Overcome the Lie of Lowered Expectations | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
Draw a circle. In it, write the words “I stink.” Next, draw a second circle, slightly overlapping the first circle, and in it write the... read more
5 Steps to Conquer the Clock and Free Up Some Valuable Time | Len's Lightbulbs

5 Steps to Conquer the Clock and Free Up Some Valuable Time | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
This is the absolute number one complaint I hear from fellow leaders, innovators, and creatives. And people. According to a Huffington Post... read more
Critics and Creators | Len's Lightbulbs

Critics and Creators | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
In life, you can either be a creator or a critic. ... read more
On Deciding if You're on the Right Creative Path | Len's Lightbulbs

On Deciding if You're on the Right Creative Path | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
Should you keep pursuing the career path, or the creative hobby, you’ve been on? Should you start a new hobby or a new vocational... read more
What If It Seems Like You Don't Have a Single Good Moment to Create? | Len's Lightbulbs

What If It Seems Like You Don't Have a Single Good Moment to Create? | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
A fellow creative wrote because he doesn’t have any time to create. He said, “I noticed that you have 4 children. Is that correct? How... read more
Composing Your Song

Composing Your Song

by Jules Glanzer
Leadership is being that results in doing. ... read more
If You Want to Create Great Things, Stop Punishing Failure | Len's Lightbulbs

If You Want to Create Great Things, Stop Punishing Failure | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
How do you react when someone messes up? Say you work with or lead others in a group setting. Or this could apply to your family member,... read more
Dynamite Prayer is Changing Churches and Communities

Dynamite Prayer is Changing Churches and Communities

by Josiah Simons
Dynamite Prayer: A 28 Day Experiment, written by Rosario Picardo and Sue Nilson Kibbey and released by Invite Press in August 2022, has... read more
The #1 Reason Most Good Ideas Fail | Len's Lightbulbs

The #1 Reason Most Good Ideas Fail | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
The late fee was more than the disc would have cost to buy. Reed Hastings had misplaced his Apollo 13 rental DVD, and now that he found it... read more
11 Ways to Improve Your Church's Brand | Len's Lightbulbs

11 Ways to Improve Your Church's Brand | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
Here’s a quick punch list of ideas to evaluate and improve your church or organization’s brand: ... read more
How to Get People to Care about Your Good Content | Len's Lightbulbs

How to Get People to Care about Your Good Content | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
All good content needs a concept. It’s true for your documentary, your regular column which is coming due, your next sermon, or the brand... read more
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