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Dynamite Prayer

A 28 Day Experiment

Authors: Rosario PicardoSue Nilson Kibbey

SKU: 978-1-953495-36-5

Book - Paperback

Product Info

This daily prayer guide will show you how to begin a practice of breakthrough prayer, tapping into God’s unlimited power, opening new doors of possibilities, and transforming your life and world.

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  • Delivery method: Physical
  • Weight: 0.325 lbs
  • Length: 5.5"
  • Width: 0.75"
  • Height: 8.5"

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Feeling overwhelmed, uninspired, stuck? In their book, 'Dynamite Prayer: A 28-Day Experiment', Rosario Picardo and Sue Nilson Kibbey provide a life-changing daily prayer devotional guidebook that takes you step by step to the source of life—the ruah Yahweh (Spirit of the LORD).  Each day, you will delve deeper into a biblical passage wherein you will experience the Spirit’s dynamic transforming power. I highly recommend this 28-day prayer experiment for individuals, small groups, and congregations. Our congregation will experience this dynamite prayer journey. 

J. Kabamba Kiboko, Ph.D.
J. Kabamba Kiboko, Ph.D.
Lead Pastor at Forest Chapel UMC Author of Divining the Woman of Endor: African Culture, Postcolonial Hermeneutics, and the Politics of Biblical Translation (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 644)

Rosario Picardo and Sue Nilson Kibbey have written a wonderful resource that should be handled with care – the power it contains could just change everything in your life. Within its pages, you’ll find an explosive combination of inspiration, guidance and practice that will make your prayer life come to life in unimaginable ways. I suspect this 28-day guide will be one that you finish and start again many times over. Each day’s “experiment” is rooted in scripture, wonderful insights, action-oriented prompts and transformational prayers. Don’t just pick up one copy of Dynamite Prayer; pick up copies for everyone in your life that could use an impactful change in their prayer life.

Jason Moore
Jason Moore
Midnight Oil Productions, author of Amazon bestselling book, BOTH/AND: Maximizing Hybrid Worship Experiences for In-Person and Online Engagement

Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey introduced me to the potential and power of breakthrough prayer many years ago.  I had always believed that God’s resurrection power could break through any obstacle, resistance or stagnation.  But when I moved from belief to practice, my leadership and ministry were transformed.  Are you hungering for such Holy Spirit  breakthrough power in your life?  If so, Dynamite Prayer: A 28 Day Experiment is a devotional resource that will introduce you to or enhance your current practice of praying for Holy Spirit breakthroughs.  Be alert for God’s miraculous dunamis (dynamite) power and possibilities to be released in your personal spiritual journey!

Bishop Bruce R. Ough
Bishop Bruce R. Ough
Executive Secretary, Council of Bishops, The United Methodist Church

The journey through life can provide many individuals with valley lows and mountain top experiences, but embracing Dynamite Prayer in one's life offers a unique perspective in handling those events in a refreshing supportive manner. The 28 Day experiment allows one to emerge on a transformative pathway of hope and healing of the souls! The new possibilities given by our Lord Jesus Christ provide a refreshing and Rejuvenation to our core as Christians. I was captivated by the new concept of prayer-holds; my favorite Scripture is Philippians 4:13... My word is [Strengthen].

Dr. Yvette Richards
Dr. Yvette Richards
Director of Community Connections and Mission, St. James United Methodist Church

Looking to explore the breakthrough power of God in your daily devotional prayer time? Dynamite Prayer: a 28-day Prayer Experiment is a powerful breakthrough prayer laboratory. The 28 day prayer experiments are full of explosive prayer practices that transform one’s prayer life and expectations. Be warned, once you enter this breakthrough prayer lab your prayer life will never be the same. Grab this lab notebook, join your lab partners, Sue Nilson Kibbey and Rosario Picardo, for 28 days full of powerful prayer laboratory experiences. Then, begin to expect the power of the Holy Spirit to breakthrough in the ordinary moments of life.

Rev. Susan Arnold
Holston Conference Director of Congregational Development, DMin. Fresh Expressions & Church renewal Cohort, United Theological Seminary

The disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray.” They realized something was dynamic and powerful about the way Jesus prayed. Prayer invites us into deep communion with the Triune God. Listening and conversing with God is the primary way we deepen our relationship. Prayer empowers us to move inward, to the Jesus we find in the secret place of our souls, but it also empowers us to move outward in loving mission to the world. Roz and Sue are mature guides who show us the way to navigate the expansive and unending landscape of prayer. Handle this book with care, it could be explosive for your prayer life!

Michael Beck
Michael Beck
Pastor. Professor. Author. Coach. Cultivator of movements

The cry of every serious apprentice of Jesus has been and continues to be, “Lord, teach us to pray…” Two earthy seasoned followers of Jesus in Roz and Sue want to help contemporary disciples in this prayer journey. “Dynamite Prayer” is very practical and methodical. It is rooted deeply in scripture and will help you learn to attune your ear the Savior’s voice and see the power of God released in your life. One thing I have never heard an apprentice of Jesus say is, “I’ve got prayer all figured out!” Nope! Never heard it. The cry of every serious Christ follower has echoed the angst of Jesus’ first followers. “Lord, teach us to pray…” Roz and Sue want to help us on this emerging experience with Dynamite Prayer so that God’s power can be released in and through our lives. 

Jorge Acevedo
Jorge Acevedo
Lead Pastor, Grace Church

Sometimes it can be hard to know how to pray. Other times we feel stuck in our prayer life. In Dynamite Prayer, Sue and Rosario give us an accessible, practical, and powerful model for prayer.  The 28 Day guide walks you through a repeatable pattern that will bring breakthrough in your life and a sustainable blueprint for praying in the days to come. You need this book!

Jacob Armstrong
Jacob Armstrong
Pastor, Providence Church, Author of Breaking Open

“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty” (Zech 4:6). How many times have we tried to do God’s work in our own resources and strength only to experience frustration and failure? In my 50 years following Jesus in ministry I have experienced the miraculous when we allow the practice of prayer to precede action. Dynamite Prayer: A 28-Day Experiment, is an excellent resource to use with groups or individually, especially if you struggle in your prayer practice.

Mike Slaughter
Mike Slaughter
PASSIONATE CHURCHES, LLC Founder & Chief Strategist

Throughout my journey with Christ, I’ve had my fair share of prayer slumps, seasons when my spiritual battery was low. Sue Nilson Kibbey and Roz Picardo’s book is like a good pair of jumper cables that will jolt your prayer life back into motion, connecting you straight to the resurrection power of God’s Spirit. It’s a great resource for individuals seeking renewal and for groups preparing for God’s next new thing.

Rev. Luke Edwards
Rev. Luke Edwards
Associate Director of Church Development for the Western NC Conference of the United Methodist Church and Author of Becoming Church: A Trail Guide for Starting Fresh Expressions

There is a liturgical response which goes "more prayer, more power; less prayer, less power."  This marvelous guide to breakthrough prayer lives up to its name -- dynamic prayer.   The pages of dynamic prayer lead us into a closer experience of the Holy Spirit.  The authors offer wise practical guidance in helping to deepen the prayer life of individuals and congregations.  I will be using this guide myself and enthusiastically recommend it to others!

Mike Lowry
Mike Lowry
Bishop Emeritus

Living in a world filled with so much pluralism, division, uncertainty and unconcern about how we should live as the people of God, we need a resource that direct us to the journey which results in ongoing daily spiritual break through. The Dynamite Prayer 28 day devotional journal does just that. It leads us into understanding the role and power of the Holy Spirit and then gives us examples of how to tap into His power. I recommend this resource to anyone who is searching for ways to strengthen your walk with Christ and enter into the realm of tapping into His unleashed power!

Rev. J. Elvin Sadler
Rev. J. Elvin Sadler
Associate Dean for Doctoral Studies, Senior Faculty Mentor, United Theological Seminary


There is a massive current of divine power — God’s resurrection power — that is active and alive in the world today. What if, through prayer, you could tap into the miraculous power of God’s Holy Spirit and unleash more than you could ask, think, or imagine into your life and world?

Dynamite Prayer is a daily prayer guide that will show you how to begin a practice of “breakthrough prayer,” a way of praying where we ask God to open new doors and reveal new possibilities, fueled by the Spirit’s power. This 28-day adventure will take you from feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and uninspired to curious and expectant as you surrender your own preferences and ideas and courageously follow the miracles God brings into your life.

Each day contains:
- A brief meditation on a verse from Scripture that will help you see how the Spirit’s
dynamic power has been at work throughout history and in your life today 
- Reflection questions for the day
- A short breakthrough prayer for the day
- A prayer word or phrase to help you make breakthrough prayer part of each

Whether you do this with your church, your organization, or in your personal life, this simple-yet-powerful way of praying will increase your faith and transform your world as you invite fresh inspiration into every aspect of your life.