Lori Wagner

Dr. Lori Beth Wagner is an author, ghostwriter, workshop writing coach, creative strategist, and the Content Editor for Invite Press. Lori loves working with our authors to develop the unique style, voice, structure, theology, and content for their books. Her goal is to help beginning and seasoned authors create dynamic manuscripts that resonate and sell. In her role as an editor, she also assists with acquisitions for Invite Press. 

A meticulous editor, intuitive reader, and innovative thinker, Lori helps non-fiction and fiction authors identify audiences, develop a unique and dynamic voice, create a solid structure and argumentation, and cultivate a creative style that will connect with targeted readers. As a ghost writer, she helps authors' dreams and visions come alive in print. She works closely with authors to understand their goals, conceptualize their book, and establish the desired voice for whatever project they envision. Lori has ghostwritten books for several prominent Christian authors.

Lori is an author of peer-reviewed academic articles, published poetry, over 400 published sermons, and The Story Lectionary (in circulation since 2015). She is co-author of the novel The Seraph Seal (2011) and author of the non-fiction book Slant, due out in 2023, as well as author of short stories, essays, and blogs. Her current project includes a non-fiction book called 10 Fairytales of the Church and a novel called The Lucifer Complex. Her work has a psychological/spiritual bent and includes both fiction and non-fiction.

Her bi-monthly workshops (some online and some on site in distinctive, creativity-sparking locations) offer inquisitive and experienced authors time and space to learn, share, and cultivate unique ideas for their creative manuscripts.