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That's Good News! (Paperback)

How to Overcome Your Fear and Evangelize

Author Shane L. Bishop

SKU: 978-1-953495-55-6


Product Info

That’s Good News is a practical guide to evangelism for the everyday Christian – no having all the answers, special training, or seminary degree required. Through the parables of Jesus, humorous personal anecdotes, inspiring stories, and practical tips, it will motivate and equip you to share your faith and recognize that God isn’t asking you to be perfect – He’s just asking you to show up.

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  • Weight: 0.35 lbs
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Shane Bishop loves Jesus, loves talking about Jesus, loves seeing other people fall in love with Jesus. He is all about Jesus, and his life and ministry reflect that irrefutable fact. With this practical, fun, and relevant read, he schools us in the art of evangelism and reminds us that far from being dead, evangelism is where the good life is. Pick this one up, absorb its lessons, then buy a copy for everyone on your staff team, in your small group, or just do the right thing and share it with your whole church.

Carolyn Moore
Carolyn Moore
founding and lead pastor of Mosaic Church

Shane hit the ball out of the park in this book. Using practical tips and engaging stories, he shows how anyone can share Christ with friends, family, and even strangers. His biblical exegesis is spot on; his illustrations and stories are heartwarming and engaging, making this an easy read. Reading this book will help you become a better, more confident, and more comfortable witness for Christ. This is a must-read for every pastor, and every pastor should require every leader in their church to read it. The world needs good news, and there is no joy like helping someone discover the Good News!

Mark Brooks
The Stewardship Coach, Acts 17 Generosity

I love the way that Shane makes evangelism so easy and practical. He takes the fear away and eases us gently into seeing Evangelism as a way of life. His ability to weave stories with practical suggestions for personal discipleship and mission, is not only creative but he does it with exceptional skill. This resource will encourage, challenge, and help you to share Jesus in ways that connect.

Rev. Ashley Cooper
Rev. Ashley Cooper
Principal, Cliff, College, United Kingdom

The evangelism philosophy, theology, strategies, and practices outlined in That's Good News have been Shane’s daily practices throughout the years. I highly recommend this engaging, practical, and humorous guide for anyone seeking to share his or her faith in Christ Jesus. Let's walk along with our friend, Shane, as we join the Lord Jesus in His life transforming mission.

Roger D. Lipe
Roger D. Lipe
Character Coach Director, Nations of Coaches

In a culture where Christians are often most known for what they are against, Shane takes us on a journey to remind us to reclaim what we are for: Hope, Joy, Peace and Eternal Life. Sharing the good news of Jesus is a privilege. For Shane this isn’t theory. It’s how he lives and leads. With a practical approach, this book will help you refocus the mandate of evangelism. Fishing for others with passion and focus.

Jennifer Cowart
Jennifer Cowart
Co-founding pastor, Harvest Church

Shane Bishop's new book, That's Good News, is an easy read, full of encouragement, advice, stories, excellent Bible teaching, and wit.   I imagine Shane sitting across a restaurant table with a huge grin, saying, “You can do this too.” And he's right. Shane's not an armchair theologian; he is a pastor who has built a Jesus-loving church by making the message of salvation easy to understand but never watered down.

Ivan Filby, PhD.
Ivan Filby, PhD.
Assistant Pastor, Towerview Church, Bangor, Northern Ireland

That’s Good News enters into our current culture with a critical message of hope for an often-intimidated Church. The stories are fun and inspiring, the evidence is convicting, and the tools are incredibly practical. This journey through Jesus’ parables equips regular Christians with the power to evangelize in their everyday life.

Ted Bryant
Ted Bryant
Lead pastor, Granger Community Church

Shane walks what he talks on the all-important subject of evangelism. This practical manual will prove a blessing to Christians who often feel intimidated and ill-equipped to share their faith in Jesus. Although Shane has built a large congregation, these principles are transferable to congregations of all sizes. I am excited to anticipate all the people who will find hope in the name of Jesus through the influence of this study.

Rev. Dr. Chris Ritter
Rev. Dr. Chris Ritter
Directing Pastor, First Methodist Church, Geneseo, Illinois

For His followers, telling others about Jesus ought to be the most natural conversation in the world.  That's Good News makes us believe that we actually can have those conversations.  With his very natural wit and ability to connect, Shane Bishop encourages those of us who have believed for too long that evangelism is someone else's gift. If the idea of evangelism has scared us away from the practice, Shane's practical tips coax us back into the game with new passion.  This is an essential book for every follower of Jesus!

Bryan Collier
Bryan Collier
Founding and Lead Pastor, The Orchard Church

As leaders, so many of us face struggles with things like anger, fear, depression, temptation, grief, and hopelessness that keep us from being all that God has made us to be and limit our effectiveness. Through deep biblical reflection and his own vulnerable stories, Pastor Jorge Acevedo leads us in a profound yet practical and transforming journey through these ‘caves’ toward healing and resurrection.

Bryan D. Sims
Bryan D. Sims
author of Leading Together: The Holy Possibility of Harmony and Synergy in the Face of Change, leadership and change coach with Spiritual Leadership, Inc. (SLI) and professor of leadership at Asbury Theological Seminary.

During the 73 years of my life, I’ve descended, crawled, and even fallen into several of the caves Jorge describes in this book. I’ve visited a few a number of times! Jorge’s metaphor of the cave captured my interest and brought to my consciousness the dark feelings I experienced during these times of my life. As I reflected on the cave’s I’ve been in, I realized that, more often than not, Jorge was there as my pastor and friend to encourage, support, guide, and coach me. He often shared his own experiences in that same or similar cave and how God used that cave to heal him, encourage him and renew him. My prayer for you is that you will be drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus as you read this book. Jorge draws fully from his own cave experiences and shares them with you in a most transparent and authentic way!

Douglas K Whittaker, Ed.D
Douglas K Whittaker, Ed.D
Superintendent of Schools (Ret), Charlotte County (FL) Public Schools

Confession Time. At best, I am a hesitant evangelist. It’s sad but true. My dear friend, Shane Bishop in his new book, That's Good News offers a timely and much-needed instrument of God to awaken ordinary followers of Jesus who walk with a limp to join the Holy Spirit in redeeming our broken planet by introducing ordinary people to Jesus. Our planet desperately needs more and maturing disciples. This book helps us to make more. 

Jorge Acevedo
Jorge Acevedo
Lead Pastor of Grace Church and author of Everybody Needs Some Cave Time


As a Christian, you know it’s important to share your faith, but you don’t know where to start. If you’re being honest, it’s a little scary, you’re not sure what to say, and you don’t know what it’s really supposed to look like (if you’re picturing a street preacher holding a huge sign, we’ve been there, done that, and promise there’s another way).

So, it gets put off for another day or left to the “radical few” – yep, probably the guys with the signs. It’s no wonder our culture is so confused and our churches are in decline.

But what if sharing your faith could be as simple as making cookies for your new neighbors or sharing a sermon on social media or inviting someone to church?

That’s Good News is a practical guide to evangelism for the everyday Christian who wants to join God in His work of inviting people to know Him. Through commentary on the parables of Jesus, humorous personal anecdotes from an evangelist who’s seen it all, inspiring stories, and practical tips for sharing your faith in a modern context, you will feel motivated and equipped to share your faith and recognize that God isn’t asking you to be perfect – He’s just asking you to show up.

You’ll walk away with:

  • Fresh energy for evangelism
  • A biblical case for why you should care about evangelism…and why all Christians should share their faith
  • Hope that the Gospel really is good news for our time — the way to a life of peace, power, purpose, and passion
  • New ways to frame the Gospel that anchor it in a spirit of abundant life, not just a transactional “get out of hell free” message
  • Less fear and more confidence sharing your faith

That’s Good News will connect you back to the biblical reason why evangelism matters and why it’s for everyone: because God is a God of growth and expansion, and He works with even the smallest seeds of faith.