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A simple-yet-revolutionary way of life that will make you a person of peace, joy, and purpose in a guilt-ridden, burned-out world

The Ping Life will show you how to develop sustainable spiritual rhythms and tune into the voice of the Holy Spirit so you can live a healthy Christian life of passion, purpose, adventure, and joy.

a prompt from the Holy Spirit; a heavenly signal in search of an earthly response

So many Christians feel like it’s on us to save the world – to solve every political and social problem or lead every person we meet to Christ.

We’re plagued by guilt when we spend our time and money doing anything else, and we feel like failures when we realize we can’t do it all. Hello, overwhelm, exhaustion, agitation, and burnout!

There has to be more to the abundant life Jesus promised.

The Ping Life is a framework for living an authentic Christian life filled with peace, happiness, and purpose — one where you’re free to enjoy the blessings God has given you while still having an impact for God’s Kingdom.

In it, pastor Shane Bishop teaches you how to establish a baseline of Christian discipleship and tune your receiver to the frequency of God’s voice, so you can hear “pings” from the Holy Spirit and develop sustainable spiritual rhythms. Filled with stories of ordinary humans who listened to God’s pings and became part of Kingdom history, this is an entertaining, easy read that will inspire you, free you, and invite you into an adventure with God.

In an agitated, works-based world, discover a simple approach to life that is revolutionary, counter cultural, and life giving.

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Shane L. Bishop

Shane has served as the Sr. Pastor of Christ Church in Fairview Heights, Illinois since 1997. With his strengths of vision casting, preaching, teaching, soul winning and leadership, Christ Church total weekend worship attendance has increased under his leadership from 200 in 1997 to over 3,500 in 2023.  Christ Church, an independent congregation, has seven weekly worship services, three regional campuses and a significant on-line community. In 2010, Shane received the prestigious Distinguished Evangelist award from the Foundation for Evangelism. Christ Church was recognized as one of the 100 fastest growing churches in the country in 2018 by Outreach Magazine. 

A former history teacher and coach, Shane holds both graduate and undergraduate degrees from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. He graduated cum laude in 1992 from Candler School of Theology at Emory University. There he received the Rollins Scholarship Award for his academic work and effectiveness in pastoral leadership at the St. James-Manchester Charge in Manchester, Georgia.  From 1992-1997 he served the Sumner/Beulah Charge in Sumner, Illinois. 

Shane has traveled extensively around the world in pilgrimage, mission and preaching ministry.  He is the author of eleven books, has a large on-line presence and has been featured as a writer in various publications. 

Shane and his wife Melissa married in 1983 and reside in rural Clinton County, Illinois with “300 pounds of rescue dogs.”  The couple has two adult children and four grandchildren.



What people are saying...

Images are powerful. Shane proves this in this book. His major image grabbed my questioning imagination. It didn’t take him long to convince me that The Ping Life is an exciting and fulfilling way to live the Christian life. If you are not a Christian, nor caring to be one, The Ping Life offers a way to live a full life as a human being. I say to all, “pick up and read.”

Maxie Dunham
Maxie Dunham
minister at large of Christ Church in Memphis, TN. He is a past president of World Methodist Council. He is currently President Emeritus of Asbury Theological Seminary.

I have known Shane Bishop for twenty years as a client and now, more importantly, as a friend. I can tell you that Shane lives out what he writes. This is one reason why his writing is so impactful and powerful. He doesn’t write from an ivory tower. He has lived out his faith, and God has given him an amazing insight and ability to communicate the truths of the Word in a practical way anyone can understand. The Ping Life will help improve your walk with God and enable you to respond better to God’s pings!

Mark Brooks
Acts 17 Generosity

The Ping Life is challenging, humorous, insightful, and empowering. I have observed Shane's Ping Life, first-hand. I have seen a number of the pings heeded and even a couple of ping-whiffs. His vulnerability is disarming, and his studious approach to scripture is encouraging. I find myself emboldened to listen carefully for God's next ping in my soul.

Roger D. Lipe
Roger D. Lipe
Character Coach Director, Nations of Coaches

With The Ping Life, Shane begins with the basic elements for following Jesus. But then he goes further, inviting us into a posture poised to hear the still small voice that calls us into the heart of God and the good life. This book is lined with stories and illustrations that make the abstract work of hearing from God both practical and attainable.

Carolyn Moore
Carolyn Moore
Lead Pastor of Mosaic Church and author of When Women Lead

Shane Bishop's latest book, The Ping Life: How to Pick Up the Signal when God is Calling, brings a fresh perspective on listening for the prompts of the Holy Spirit (which Shane calls pings). In it, Shane weaves together personal stories and Scriptural insight, helping us all to discern God's promptings better. It's an easy read with life-changing implications. In a helpful section describing how we can better spot God's pings, Shane points out that pings prompt us to action and often lead us into a crisis of faith. But when we follow, that's when the fun stuff begins! Shane's writing is easy to read, humorous, and worth reading. I'm pleased to recommend his new book to you.

Rev. Dr. Ivan Filby
Rev. Dr. Ivan Filby
Towerview Church, Bangor, Northern Ireland, UK

Ping! Whether it’s a push notification on your phone or a tap on your shoulder, we all know what it’s like to get an alert that requires our response.

The Holy Spirit also works this way with us, prompting us when we’re being called to action. But many of us miss these pings because we don’t know what to listen for. This leads to us spinning our wheels trying to do more and more or missing opportunities for God to use us in exciting ways.

Imagine if instead of trying to do all the things for God, you could live open to adventure with God – moment by moment being tuned into what He has called YOU to do: the exact person you’re supposed to talk to, the family you’re meant to help, the action you need to take today. And what if you could trust that doing that was enough, giving you freedom from burnout and
exhaustion…freedom to enjoy life?

The Ping Life will teach you how to listen to God’s voice, stop overthinking it when you feel called, and joyfully live your life in between.

A simple-yet-revolutionary way of life that will make you a person of peace, joy, and purpose in a guilt-ridden, burned-out world

Develop a baseline of Christian discipleship

Find the sustainable spiritual rhythms that build a healthy Christian life.

A simple-yet-revolutionary way of life that will make you a person of peace, joy, and purpose in a guilt-ridden, burned-out world

Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit

Notice when God is calling you to do something and be ready to act.

A simple-yet-revolutionary way of life that will make you a person of peace, joy, and purpose in a guilt-ridden, burned-out world

Enjoy your life

Find freedom from burnout and exhaustion and trust that what you’re doing is enough.

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Are you ready to live a joy-filled, purposeful, and happy Christian life?

Learn how to hear and heed the Holy Spirit’s pings and increase your impact in the world. Get The Ping Life today!

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